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English - 7th Grade:

The literature-based language arts program is designed for young people with various abilities and skill competencies. The literature provides developmental reading experiences in various literary styles and affords opportunities for students to enjoy, to interpret, and to reflect upon the readings. The language arts activities are an integral part of the literature program. Major areas of study include the review and development of fictional reading, reading for information, writing, speaking and listening, language, including English conventions such as spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and writing style.  Library research, using printed material and technology, and writing skills for narrative, informational, and argumentative writing are emphasized. Students will access Choices Career Exploration online as a foundation for the 7th-grade Careers unit. Standards-based instruction is the backbone of planning and implementation, as well as the district curriculum guide. 

English - 8th Grade:

The literature-based language arts program builds and further develops the competencies introduced to 7th graders. The literature program extends the reading experiences and opportunities for students. Emphasis is given to the analysis of character development, setting, plot, and theme. Written composition skills are expanded with the introduction of extended writing assignments using more textual evidence and synthesis of text. Standards-based instruction guides planning and implementation, as well as the district curriculum guide. 

Basic English:

Students will receive a modified version of the English class curriculum for the student's grade level. Students will work toward reading and writing goals, as well as the district required writing assessments in expository and argumentative writing. 

Achieve EL:

This class is a designated course to support English Learners (Emerging, Bridging or Expanding) with grade-level content.  This course will provide an opportunity during the regular school day to support language development, meaning-making, effective expression, foundational skills, and content knowledge across the content areas. Achieve 7/8/EL will provide a time for students to focus on the language of the content areas in ways that are closely aligned with what is happening in instruction. Students will have access to technology in order to conduct research and support their own learning when necessary. Students will also receive broad exposure to literacy in other avenues such as attending local theatre productions, college visitations, career-based field trips, museums and science centers.  

Newcomer English:

This class is an English class for EL students enrolled in a US school for less than 2 years. This class is designed to help students acquire and develop the English language.

Reading Strategies:

In this class, students will focus on reading comprehension and fluency. The goal is for students to increase their decoding skills and reading stamina while finding a newfound joy for reading.